EOS Is Not Too Complicated For The Average User, But Devs Need To Take Charge Or Fail

Richard Potter
3 min readAug 25, 2020


At first, when hearing of Bitcoin, we see how it can easily lead to the loss of funds, inability to send, or inability to even set up the wallet, to begin with. If that doesn’t stop a newcomer into the world of crypto then wait till they find out they need to give an exchange a scan of their I.D. Some are sketched out by the very existence of exchanges. Bitcoin at least, however, has this process where you pay for transactions and people recognize that incentivizes the security of the network.

Enter EOS, where if you own it, you own the network and it will now work for you… for free… to an extent ;). Now you’ll need to figure out Ram, CPU, Net and not to mention Rex, active as well as owner keys, and by the way, don’t send to the public key, send it to the account name that has to be 12 characters exactly unless you go to a site to buy a premium name and don’t you dare think about putting a “0” in your account name… wait WHAT???

Okay, don’t freak out! Do you know what a subnet is? What about an IP address? Know the difference between IPV4 and IPV6? Mac address??? Well… can you send an email? If the answer is Yes you’re smart enough for EOS.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s not the easiest to handle today depending on the Dapp you use. And it really does depend on the Dapp and it’s creators to decide how easy their Dapp is to use. If someone is making something on EOS it doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed to be gold. We already know with the Resource crunch a while back that resulted in the new norm for transaction processing and some Dapps didn’t make it. I hate to say it but they were meant to fail. Many more will fail too but some will see that the secret sauce is finding the balance between user control of their keys and user-friendliness.

What’s the bare minimum Dapps need to do to ensure they can take on many users? Well, it’s a debatable topic but I’d put it at paying for user resources and at least having a link to a simple setup tutorial on a wallet that works well with their site. Expecting users to pay for CPU for example, even if you try to teach them how is just not going cut it for most people.

I like that there are Dapps now coming up with creative ways to take care of these hassles for their users for example Pixeos.art teaming with Wombat wallet to pay for resources when used together and also some Dapps (Voice being one of them) that handle the keys for the users. Of course, many tools have been and are being created to make keys more user friendly while remaining secure.

Well… more on abstraction of keys later. For now

Onward and upward my fellow earth peeps.

Voice — https://app.voice.com/profile/kirpy

Read.cash — https://read.cash/@Kirpy

Medium — https://medium.com/@kirpy

Twitter — https://twitter.com/kirpy0x

Optional donations of encouragement — kirpy.eth (eth,btc,trx) richardpotte (eos)



Richard Potter
Richard Potter

Written by Richard Potter

I enjoy sharing ideas about freedom, blockchain, and the decentralization of things like social media and currency.

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